Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Please use the following ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ and ‘Answers’ page to support you with any technical issues you may have using this site.

Please Note: This site is an aggregation of jobs from G4S operating businesses all over the globe. Therefore,  we cannot directly provide feedback on where you are in the recruitment process and the success of your application!

Our hiring managers will contact you with updates and feedback on each application, but due to the volume of candidates that apply for each role, we cannot confirm timeframes for a response.

While waiting for a response, please use the resources section to support and equip yourself for securing your next role.

Good luck in your job search.


I already work at G4S – do I need to register?

Yes, all applications must come through the Global Career Center. However, to ensure that we know that you are an internal candidate, please use the process outlined on the hub, the intranet, internal posters and on internal communications.

What if I forget my password?

Please click on the ‘forgot password’ link beneath the login box. Please enter your email address, then click submit. This will send you an email with a link to reset your password.

What happens once I apply for a job?

The hiring manager responsible for the vacancy will contact you via email or telephone.

When will the hiring manager contact me?

Unfortunately, due to the amount of applications received for each role, we are unable to give specific timeframes. The hiring manager will contact you in due course.

Why do you need so much information about me?

G4S is the world’s largest security solutions business and operates under high levels of security. We require this level of information to ensure all candidates meet our minimum employment requirements.

I can’t submit my application. What can I do?

Please ensure that you have completed and saved all required sections of your application.


I have been rejected for a role almost immediately. Why?

If you are rejected from a role right away, it means that you did not meet the minimum requirements for this specific role. As this is part of the screening process, we are unable to reset this for you.


How do I find out where I am in the process?

We are unable to comment on individual questions regarding process. You need to direct these types of questions to the hiring manager via the communication channels they provide to you. On your dashboard there will be a section which says ‘my job applications.’ The application status for each role you have applied for will be shown there.


How do I know if I have been selected for an interview or an assessment?

The hiring manager will send you an email if you have been selected for an interview or assessment. . You may want to double-check your spam folder, or log in to the career center to see the status of your job applications. Your dashboard will clearly show whether you have been asked to book an assessment or interview.


I’m having problems uploading my photo!

There is a 2MB file size limit for your image, and it must be of file type .jpg .png or gif.


I registered, but my username and password are not allowing me to login!

Before you can access the site, you need to verify your profile by clicking on the link sent to you via email. If you have not received a verification email, please check your spam/trash folder. If the email is not there, please contact your internet service provider (ISP) and advise them that you are unable to receive emails from G4S.


Is there an address/email address I can send my resume to?

G4S operates an online recruitment process, so please register on the career center, apply for jobs of interest and upload your resume when requested.


Who can see my information once I have registered?

Your personal details can only be viewed by our recruiters and hiring managers. If you have specified a website in your profile, this may be viewed by other community users. For more detailed information, please see our privacy policy.


I began an application and decided to save it and finish at a later date. I have come back and I am unable to find a way of getting back to the application to finish it?

Please login to the Career Center. On your dashboard you will see a section called ‘My job applications’ with a ‘status’ column. If a job application is incomplete there will be a link in this column for you to complete your application. Please ensure that you complete the application within the timeframe specified as closing dates are final and cannot be extended.


Can I easily see which jobs I have applied for?

Yes. Please click on the ‘Jobs’ tab in the top navigation and scroll down to ‘My Job Applications.’ This will show all the jobs and the status of all jobs you have applied for.