When you publish a job vacancy you will enter an expiry date which determines the visibility of the job to potential candidates.

Once the expiry date has passed, candidates will no longer see the role and will be unable to apply or complete an existing application.

Tribepad does, however, offer an existing feature called Grace Period.  If selected, the Grace Period will allow the Recruiter the option to provide candidates who started their application prior to the initial expiry date, the chance to finish it within an additional set time frame.

Here is an example of the way a standard expiry date would work if the Recruiter does not select to use a Grace Period.

  • The Recruiter sets a job to expire on the 14th of March, the role will only be available until the turn of midnight when it becomes the 15th March and unavailable.

Once the role has expired the Recruiter would discount those candidates that have not completed their application.

Here is an example of how a Recruiter might utilise the Grace Period feature.

  • Using the example above, we choose a job expiry date of the 14th March, but we allow a grace period up to the 21st March.

The 21st March would need to be entered in the field next to ‘Application completion closing date’.

Grace Period Caveat:

Only those candidates that have started an application (and not yet completed it) prior to the turn of midnight on the 6th February, will be able to complete and submit their application by the turn of midnight on the 14th February (i.e the role will not be visible to applicants on the 15th February).

The Grace Period is a good option for Recruiters as it allows candidates that extra to complete an application and Recruiters equally may not miss out on additional potential employees.

*If you do not have the Grace Period feature enabled on your ATS, please speak to your Account Manager at Tribepad to see if it is a suitable option for you.