To view a list of all questionnaires, click Jobs in the top navigation menu and select Questionnaires.

Questionnaires will be displayed in alphabetical order.

Options are available to hide, edit and delete questionnaires.



Hiding Questionnaires

Questionnaires can be hidden so they are not available for selection when creating or editing job posts.

To hide a questionnaire, click the ‘Hide’ icon:


The icon will then change to the ‘Show’ icon and the questionnaire will be hidden:


To un-hide the questionnaire, click the ‘Show’ icon.


Editing Questionnaires

Questionnaires can be edited by clicking the ‘Edit’ icon:


This will display the questionnaire in the Questionnaire Builder, enabling questions to be added, amended or removed.  For more details, see Adding Questions to a Questionnaire.


Deleting Questionnaires

To delete a questionnaire, click the ‘Delete’ icon and click Yes.



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