When you’ve created or selected the questions you’d like to use to filter your candidate applications, you’ll need to put them into a Questionnaire.  It’s easy to do – here’s how –


In the Questionnaire Builder, use the Add Question button to insert questions into your questionnaire:


This will display the Add Question pop-up.

You can select pre-defined questions by browsing through the list displayed (use the arrows at the bottom right of the screen to scroll through the list) or type your question in the Search questions box provided.  As you type the question, a filter will be applied to display only questions that match your word or phrase.

To select questions from the list, tick the checkbox for the question(s) you would like to use:


The Type icon located to the left of each question indicates the Question Type:

RadioButtons Radio Buttons – Answer is selected by radio button
SJT SJT – Situational Judgement Test
Dropdown Drop-Down List – Answer is selected from a dropdown
Checkboxes Checkboxes – Answers are selected by checkbox
singletext Single Field – Answer is entered into a single field
TextArea Textarea box – Answer is entered into a text box

Click the Insert button to insert the question(s) into your questionnaire.  The questions will then be listed in the Questionnaire Builder.

Each question has all or some of the following options:

  • Question – this can be amended if required
  • Guidelines for user – enter any additional guidelines you want to appear with the question
  • Required question – tick to ensure the questionnaire cannot be submitted without an answer to this question
  • Killer question – tick to ensure the question is enabled as a ‘killer question’
  • Answer visible to privileged managers only – tick to ensure the answer is only visible to privileged managers
  • Choices and Score – list of answers and associated scores that can be amended if required, see section below
  • Answer rows and Scoring columns – Situational Judgement Test questions only, see section below

Example of a Radio Buttons question in the Questionnaire Builder:


Editing choices and scores

The Choices and Score fields can be amended by editing the text.

The ‘thumbs-up’ and ‘thumbs-down’ icons indicate a ‘correct answer’ and a ‘incorrect answer’ respectively.  Clicking on the icon will swap the icon between ‘thumbs-up’ or ‘thumbs-down’.

Choices can be removed by clicking the button next to the question to be removed

Choices can be added by clicking the + button below the list of choices.


Editing SJT answers and scores

SJT answers and scores can be changed by amending the text.

To change a scoring column heading click on the pencil icon on the heading you wish to change.  Click on X to remove the original header and enter the new header, then press return to close.


To add a row click on the + button located below the last row.

To delete a row click on the trashcan icon located to the right of the row and click Yes.

To add a column click on the + button located to the right of the column headings.

To delete a column hover the mouse over the column heading to display a trashcan icon.  Click on the trashcan and click Yes.



Linking questions or choices to another question

A branching questionnaire accommodates different answers you may be given, and can change the direction of your questioning.  By giving the candidate a variety of options, you can link further questions to each answer type –


Click on the Link to question button for the question or choice you want to link a question to.  This will open the Add Question pop-up and you can then select the question you want to link to.  Click the Insert button to insert the question into your questionnaire.  The question will then be listed in the Questionnaire Builder:


A linked question can be edited or deleted in exactly the same way as un-linked question.

If you want to remove the link to a question’s parent, but keep the question listed in the questionnaire, click the on the linked question:



Questionnaire layout

To re-locate questions in the list, click on the question and drag and drop to the desired location.  It’s probably better to put a killer question, for example ‘do you have the right to work in the UK’ first, so that if there’s a risk of your candidate being rejected from giving the incorrect answer, they haven’t invested time in the rest of your questions only to be rejected.

You can also insert a page break between different types of questions if you wish – this will stop the candidate seeing the upcoming questions ahead.


To insert a page break, click the Insert Page Break button.  This will place a page break at the bottom of your list of questions:


To re-locate the page break, click on the Page Break box and drag and drop to the desired location.

To add further questions, click the Add Question button.


Deleting questions

To delete questions or page breaks, click the x button located on the top right of the question or page break box.  Click Yes to confirm:


Saving your questionnaire

To save your questionnaire, click Finish.  You will be returned to Questionnaires and your newly created questionnaire will appear at the top of the list.

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