List of Values (Lov’s) – Managing Internal Categories

When we talk about List of Values or Lov’s we are referring to your internal business structure and some of your processes. The lov’s are set up at the start of your ATS configuration however over time there may be a requirement to add to that information.  Perhaps you have acquired new business operations and you would like to add the location as an option to select from when advertising a new role. An example of this might be when you follow the job create process and select the drop down menu’s which allow you to choose from a predefined Read more

User-Batch Uploads

The Super User can carry out a batch upload of new users. A CSV file with the first names, surnames, and then their email address.  The batch of users must all be of the same user type as a single user type will be applied. A .csv template can be downloaded to ensure that the batch of new users follow the required format.

Reset User’s Passwords

A user’s password can be reset to the system default by filling in the relevant details and click ‘Reset Password’

Editing a User Account

An existing user’s account can be edited by entering any part of their name or email address in the search bar, and clicking ‘Edit User’: The user’s credential and privileges can then be edited and saved. The ‘Hired For Job’ field allows the user to state that the job seeker is hired:  

Setting User Types

User types include:  Job seeker, Resourcing User and Super user.  A new user can also be given privileges to have moderator powers for a forum, to view protected answers, to access reports and to have their account details emailed to them.

Creating New User Accounts

To create a new user account, simply fill in the necessary forms. Superusers have the option to chose whether the user has special privileges such as a forum moderator. Once completed click ‘Create User’.

Super User Login

A user with Super-user privileges can register hiring managers, resourcing partners etc. onto the system. The Superuser must first log into the control panel with their username and password: