To save time filtering your candidates, you can add Questions to your job advertisement.  First, you must create the Questions you require, then when you’ve done that you can pull them into a Questionnaire.  Here’s how to create Questions –


To create or edit questions to use in questionnaires, click Jobs in the top navigation menu and select Questions.  This will display the Question screen, listing any existing questions in date descending order.

You can search existing questions by entering a word or phrase in the Search questions box provided.  As you type, a filter will be applied to the pre-defined questions to display only questions that match your word or phrase.




Please note, you can now ask sensitive information and have it securely encrypted – do this for ID numbers!

Just add the encrypted type single line question:
unnamed (1)
You can add a lot more data types and user input validation on single line answers now – see the “Validation” drop down for choices you now have:
unnamed (1)
The custom (regex) is a very advanced type that you may need our assistance with if you wanted to set them up but you could do things like make sure the user types 3 alpha characters and then a dash and then 3 numbers –  just as a random example!


Scoring each answer – 

Notice on the image above, next to the Choices (answers) of the Question – there’s a small box for you to enter a Score.  Scoring your answers allows you to determine what a satisfactory level would be for each answer, then when you come to build your Questions into the Questionnaire, you can enter an overall score by which you’d be happy to auto-shortlist or auto-reject candidates who meet/exceed or fall below your score.  You can read more about how to do this here –


Question Type

Questions are created using one of six available Question Types.  The Type icon, located to the left of each question, will indicate the question type used:

RadioButtons Radio Buttons one answer is selected by radio button from a list of answers
 SJT SJT Situational Judgement Test. The candidate must judge a number of possible actions suggested for a scenario and order these actions in terms of effectiveness.
 Dropdown Drop-Down List one answer is selected from a dropdown of options
 Checkboxes Checkboxes one or multiple answers are selected by checkbox from a list of answers
 singletext Single Field A typed answer is entered into a single field, suitable for short answers (a few words)
 TextArea Textarea box A typed answer is entered into a text box, suitable for long answers (multiple sentences)


Creating questions

To create a question, click on the Question Type dropdown arrow and selecting the question type option you wish to use:

  • *Checkboxes
  • *Drop-Down List
  • *Radio button
  • *SJT
  • Single Field
  • Textarea Box

*You may apply a score to each of these question types, so that when you pull your questions into your questionnaire, you may choose to auto reject or auto shortlist candidates below/above your score threshold.


Checkboxes, Drop-Down List and Radio button questions

When creating Checkboxes, Drop-Down List or Radio button type questions the following options are available:

  • Question – enter the question
  • Guidelines for user – enter any additional guidelines you want to appear with the question
  • Required question – tick to ensure the questionnaire cannot be submitted without an answer to this question
  • Killer question – tick to ensure the question is enabled as a ‘killer’ question
  • Answer visible to privileged managers only – tick to ensure the answer is visible to privileged managers only (this privilege must be assigned to users, see Set up users or Edit a user account for details on how to do this)
  • Choices and Score – type into the fields to add an answer and score.  The ‘thumbs-up’ and ‘thumbs-down’ icons indicate a ‘correct answer’ and a ‘incorrect answer’ respectively.  Clicking on the icon will swap the icon between ‘thumbs-up’ or ‘thumbs-down’.  Additional choices can be added by clicking the + button below the list of choices.  Choices can be removed by clicking the button next to the question to be removed.

Example of a Radio Button question:


Click the Add button to create the question.  It will then be displayed in the list of existing questions.


Single Field and Textarea Box questions

When creating a Single Field or Textarea Box question the following options are available:

  • Question – enter the question
  • Guidelines for user – enter any additional guidelines you want to appear with the question
  • Required question – tick to ensure the questionnaire cannot be submitted without an answer to this question
  • Answer visible to privileged managers only – tick to ensure the answer is only visible to privileged managers (this privilege must be assigned to users, see Set up users or Edit a user account for details on how to do this)

Example of a Single Field question:


Click the Add button to create the question.  It will then be displayed in the list of existing questions.


Situational Judgement Test questions

To watch a video demonstration for creating SJT questions, please click here.

When creating a SJT question the following options are available:

  • Question – enter the question
  • Guidelines for user – enter any additional guidelines you want to appear with the question
  • Required question – tick to ensure the questionnaire cannot be submitted without an answer to this question
  • Answer visible to privileged managers only – tick to ensure the answer is only visible to privileged managers (this privilege must be assigned to users, see Set up users or Edit a user account for details on how to do this)
  • Select SJT grid size: – Use the mouse to select how many rows and columns you require for answers and associated scores


The specified number of rows and scoring columns will then be displayed, allowing you to enter the answers and scores.

To change a scoring column heading click on the pencil icon on the heading you wish to change.  Click on X to remove the original header and enter the new header, then press return to close.


Adding and deleting rows and columns

To add a row click on the + button located below the last row.

To delete a row click on the trashcan icon located to the right of the row and click Yes.

To add a column click on the + button located to the right of the column headings.

To delete a column hover the mouse over the column heading to display a trashcan icon.  Click on the trashcan and click Yes.


Start over

To create a new grid for the question (and lose any answers and scores already entered), click the Start over button and click Yes:

Start over

Saving your SJT question

To save your question, click the Save button:


It will then be displayed in the list of existing questions.


*Editing questions

*IMPORTANT!  PLEASE NOTE – If you edit a Question/Questionnaire that is already in use within a template or vacancy – it’s critical that you upload the new question to the Questionnaire > the questionnaire to the vacancy.  

If you don’t do this, your candidates will still be completing the original question – ie, the questionnaire will NOT be automatically updated with your newly edited question.



Questions can be editing by hovering the mouse over the question you wish to edit and clicking the pencil icon:


The question will then be displayed in the Edit Question screen.

A question will have all or some of the following options available for editing:

  • Question – type into the field to amend the question
  • Guidelines for user – type into the field to amend or enter the question guidelines
  • Required question – tick to ensure the questionnaire cannot be submitted without an answer to this question
  • Killer question – tick to ensure the question is enabled as a ‘killer’ question
  • Answer visible to privileged managers only – tick to ensure the answer is only visible to privileged managers (this privilege must be assigned to users, see Set up users or Edit a user account for details on how to do this)
  • Choices and Score – type into the fields to amend the question choices and scores.  The ‘thumbs-up’ and ‘thumbs-down’ icons indicate a ‘correct answer’ and a ‘incorrect answer’ respectively.  Clicking on the icon will swap the icon between ‘thumbs-up’ or ‘thumbs-down’.  Choices can be removed by clicking the button next to the question to be removed.  Additional choices can be added by clicking the + button below the list of choices.
  • Answer rows and Scoring columns – Situational Judgement Test questions only, see section below.


Click the Finish button to save your changes.


*Editing SJT answers and scores

SJT answers and scores can be changed by amending the text.

To change a scoring column heading click on the pencil icon on the heading you wish to change.  Click on X to remove the original header and enter the new header, then press return to close.


Adding and deleting rows and columns

To add a row click on the + button located below the last row.

To delete a row click on the trashcan icon located to the right of the row and click Yes.

To add a column click on the + button located to the right of the column headings.

To delete a column hover the mouse over the column heading to display a trashcan icon.  Click on the trashcan and click Yes.



Click the Finish button to save your changes:


*Deleting questions

Questions can be deleted by hovering the mouse over the question you wish to delete and clicking the X button.  Click OK on the pop up message to confirm deletion:




*IMPORTANT!  PLEASE NOTE – If you edit a Question/Questionnaire that is already in use within a template or vacancy – it’s critical that you upload the new question to the Questionnaire > the questionnaire to the vacancy.  

If you don’t do this, your candidates will still be completing the original question – ie, the questionnaire will NOT be automatically updated with your newly edited question.


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