Emails can be sent to an individual job seeker or multiple job seekers. To send an email, recipients need to be selected in the ATS and the Email option selected:



Viewing recipients

One Job seeker

To view the recipient, click on the 1 button.  Click on the job seeker name to view their Candidate Overview.


Click X to close.


Multiple Job seekers

To view the recipients, click on the <no.> button.  Click on a job seeker name to view their Candidate Overview.


Job seekers can be removed from the recipients list by clicking the X alongside their name.

Click X to close.


Using a template

An email template can be selected from the Choose Email Template: dropdown, if required:




Formatting text

Email text can be formatted using the options located above the main text box:



Attaching files

Use the Upload files button to attach files to the email.  If you want to remove the attachment, click the red x:



Send or Cancel


Click Cancel to cancel the email and exit.

Click Send to send the email and exit.  The email will be sent to the address the job seeker used to register their account.

Note: If sending the email to multiple job seekers, a review pane will be displayed.  You can click on a job seeker name to view their Candidate Overview.


Click Close to close the review pane and exit.


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