GRP01 – Request to join private group accepted
This email is sent to a candidate when he/she is accepted by a Group owner to join a private group.
GRP01 subject template: join_accepted_title
Your request to join the ##groupsTitle## group has been accepted.
GRP01 content template: join_accepted_copy
Your request to join the ##groupsTitle## group has been Authorised.
Please login: ##url## and start joining in with the conversation.
Many Thanks
Please login: ##url## and start joining in with the conversation.
Many Thanks
CON001 – Message received alert
This email is sent to user when they receive an internal ‘message’ from one of their connections.
CON001 subject template: sent_message_subject
{$project_name} : New message received
CON001 content template: sent_message_copy
{$first_name} has sent you a message.
To reply to this message follow the link below: