SPA02 – Recruiter create


This email is sent to a Recruiter when their account is created by a Super User using the Admin tool.

Note: To generate the email the Email User: checkbox must be selected when creating the Recruiter account:



SPA02 subject template: atsCreatUser_subject

strong>{$project_name} : Account Details


SPA02 content template: atsCreateUser_content_9_hrmanager

Dear {$name_first},
You are receiving this email because you have recently been set up as a user of a %%company_name%% recruitment system to advertise your live vacancies.
All jobs you publish using your recruitment system will be displayed on either the intranet or %%career_centre_name%%, or both, subject to your publishing selection.
The %%career_centre_name%% also provides a number of advanced and automated features for you, which include;
intelligent auto matching of candidates from the %%company_name%% Candidate Database by simply posting a job on your recruitment system,
innovative ways of connecting and communicating with potential candidates,
a range of community based features including groups and forums for you to network and share with your colleagues.
We have already created a user account for you, so take a look by clicking the following link or pasting it into your browser, then login using the username and password provided below:
You can log in at {$label_url}
Your username is: {$username}
Your password is: {$password}
When logged in you will be able to change your password to something more suitable by clicking on the settings link.
When you login for the first time, could I encourage you to complete your user profile and familiarise yourself with your dashboard.
Your dashboard aggregates all of your main functionality and activity, including displaying the jobs you have posted via your recruitment system and the auto matches the system has made against each job. These auto matched candidates have not applied for the role but could be ideally suited based on the profile and CV they have loaded.
The site itself is extremely intuitive so I am certain you will find it easy to complete your user profile, post jobs, search for candidates, save and refresh candidate searches and use the community functionality.
Enjoy and best regards.
Head of Resourcing, %%company_name%%


JMA02 – Job matching


This email is sent to a Recruiter if they create a job that is automatically matched to existing candidates.


JMA02 subject template: matching_hm_subject

{$project_name} : Suggested candidates for your job


JMA02 content template: matching_hm_content

Dear {$name_first},
You posted the job of {$job_title} which has been displayed on the %%company_name%% %%career_centre_name%%.
The top {$num_matches} suggested candidate(s) from the %%company_name%% Candidate Database are:
Once you have reviewed these and all additional candidates suggested by the %%company_name%% Candidate Database, why not try the advanced candidate search? Click on the CV search tab and advanced search link to access 100’s of thousands of active jobseekers.
Best regards,
%%company_name%% Resourcing Team


ATS14 – Shortlist Feedback questionnaire completed


This email is sent to a Recruiter if a Shortlist questionnaire has been completed for a job they have created.

ATS14 subject template: process_q_shortlist_subject

%%company_name%%: shortlist – Job ref: {$reference}


ATS14 content template: process_q_shortlist_body

Dear {$name_first},
The following job has had shortlist questionnaires completed.
Job: {$job_title}
Job ref: {$reference}
Link: {$job_link}
Best regards.
%%company_name%% Resourcing Team


ATS15 – CV Feedback questionnaire completed


This email is sent to a Recruiter if a CV feedback questionnaire has been completed for a job they have created.


ATS15 subject template: process_q_cvfeedback_subject

%%company_name%%: CV feedback – Job ref: {$reference}


ATS15 content template: process_q_cvfeedback_body

Dear {$name_first},
The following job has had CV feedback questionnaires completed.
Job: {$job_title}
Job ref: {$reference}
Link: {$job_link}
Best regards.
%%company_name%% Resourcing Team



ATS16 – Email CV


This email is sent when a Recruiter selects to email a candidate’s CV to another Recruiter using the Email CV option in the ATS:


ATS16 subject template: 0_0_emailcv_subject

CVs for review


ATS16 content template: 0_0_emailcv_content

Please review the attached CVs for job {$job_with_link}
Job ref: {$reference}
Kind regards,

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