
I have tried to edit a job template that has been created by another user of Tribepad, but I don’t seem to have the option available to me.   How do I make the changes that I need?

  • If the user locked the template when they created it, you won’t be able to make any changes to it.   You will need to speak to that particular user so that they can make the changes or you will need to create a new template.


How do I add a new/different process questionnaire to a job template?

  • Select Job Templates from the Jobs menu bar, locate the relevant template, select the ‘edit’ icon from the options to the far right-hand side of the job template name.  Once the job template is open, locate the questionnaire and remove/replace it with the new questionnaire.


*Templates are a useful tool to save time when creating multiple roles with the same content.  They can also be used as a great way of keeping job adverts uniform and consistent across the business.