
I’m building a questionnaire and I have seen the option to use Killer Questions and Auto Rejection, please could you explain what these options mean?

  • Killer questions can be utilised when you create questionnaires, it allows you to remove candidates from the recruitment process if they fail to answer a question with your desired answer (selecting the ‘required’ option will not allow the candidate to skip the question).
  • An example required and killer question might be ‘Do you have the right to work in the UK’ if the candidate answers ‘no’ then they have failed the killer question because they cannot be offered a role without proof of their right to work.  
  • When you create a questionnaire, you can select to ‘auto reject’ the candidate if they fail a killer question.  If you select this option, the candidate will not be able to continue their application and they will be presented with a pop up message advising them that their application could not be taken any further.
  • If you decide against using the auto reject function the candidate will be able to continue with the application process and you can choose to send them a rejection email separately when you feel appropriate.