PAS01 – Password reset


This email is sent to a user when they request their password to be reset using the ‘Forgot Password?’ functionality.


PAS01 subject template: forgot_pwd_subject

{$project_name}: Reset Password Request


PAS01 content template: forgot_pwd_email

Hi {$name_first},
You recently requested a new password.  To reset your password, follow this link: {$link}
(If clicking on the link doesn’t work, try copying and pasting it into your browser.)
Please do not close your browser until the password page completely loads, which may take several minutes.
If you have any further problems then please contact us on this email {$label_email}
Best regards,
The %%company_name%% Resourcing Team


SPA01 – SuperAdmin password reset


This email is sent to a user when their password is reset by the super admin user in the administration tool.  This function can be used for all user types, Hiring manager, Job seekers, passive candidates etc.

Note: this email will only be generated if the Email User: checkbox is selected:


SPA01 subject template: sa_password_subject

{$project_name}: Reset Password


SPA01 content template: sa_password_content

Password changed
Dear {$name_first},
Your %%company_name%% %%career_centre_name%% password has now been changed.
Your username is: {$username}
Your password is: {$password}
We recommend that you change your password again as soon as you log in. You can do this by clicking on the settings link at the top right of the page once you have logged in.
Best regards,
The %%company_name%% Resourcing Team


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