What is a Questionnaire?

A questionnaire is a series of questions that a job seeker must complete it when they apply for the job.
There are different types of questions that can be used
There are different parameters that can be set for each question, for example whether they are mandatory


A hiring manager must first create some questions to put in the questionnaire.

Creating Questions for a Questionnaire

Click the ‘Jobs’ drop-down and then ’Questions’ to create individual questions.

a c4 s5 - questions

The hiring manager can choose the type of question they want to ask:

  • Checkboxes – Multiple choice, the job seeker can choose more than one answer
  • Drop-Down List
  • Radio Buttons – Multiple choice with only one answer
  • Single field – One line answers
  • Text area box – Multiple line answers

Choose an option from the drop down list

a c4 s5 - questionsoptions

To create more choices click on the plus sign

c4 aqnplus

Thumb up and thumb down icons indicate that the job seeker has chosen a correct or incorrect answer.

a c4 -s5 thumbsup

  • Required questions are marked with a red * and can not be left unanswered
  • Killer questions can not be left unanswered
  • Job Seekers answers can also be set to be visible to selected managers.

a c4 s5 - questions required etc

After the question is added it is visible in questions list.

c4 aquestionlist

Once all the questions have been created they can be added to a questionnaire

Creating a Questionnaire

To create a questionnaire click on Jobs in the top navigation
Click on Questionnaires
This will take you to the questionnaire maker

c4 aq-questionnairemenu

c4 aqlist

There is a list of existing questionnaires which can be edited, deleted or hidden.
Or a new questionnaire can be created

Creating new questionnaires

There are two types of questionnaires

Standard Questionnaire – a series of questions with no particular relationship to each other
Branching Questionnaire – directs job seekers to different places in the questionnaire based on how they answer the current question creating a custom path through the questionnaire.

click on Standard Questionnaire to make a standard questionnaire

c4 aqstandardqnnaire

A questionnaire needs a name and description. Additional questions can then be added:

c4 aqnbuilder1

Put a questionnaire into a group

c4 aqnnairegroup

Click on Add a Question

c4 aqn-addquestion

This brings up a pop up box
There is a list of questions to choose from
Tick the check box at the left hand side of the question you want to insert

cd aqn-searchquestions

Click on insert at the bottom of the page to insert the question(s) into the questionnaire

c4 aqninsert

This attaches the question(s) to the questionnaire

c4 aqnaddedqn

A question can be deleted from the questionnaire by clicking on the X on the right hand side of the question that has been inserted

c4 aaddedqn-delete

A pop up will appear asking if you want to delete the question from the questionnaire.
This will not delete the actual question it will just remove it from the questionnaire

a c4 -s5- page break delete

Other paramaters can also be specified such as whether it is:
A required question
A killer question
Answers only accessible to certain hiring managers only

c4 aaddedqn-required

A page break can be added to display questions onto separate pages.

c4 apagebreakinsert

Questions can be moved about the questionnaire by draggina and droppping.
To drag and drop pull the section up or down
A blue box will appear around the section that you want to move

c4 aqnmoveabout