You can send messages to individual connections via Connections or via Messages.  If you want to send the message to multiple connections, use the Compose a message functionality found in Messages.


Send a message via Connections

You can send a message to one of your connections when viewing Connections (click Social on the top navigation menu and select the Connections options).

Click the Send a message link for the candidate you wish to contact:


This will display a pop-up allowing you to enter a subject and message.  Click the Send button to send the message, or click the Cancel button to exit without sending the message.


When Send is clicked, the pop-up will close and a confirmation message will be displayed .  The message to the user will then appear in their Messages inbox.  For more details, see Respond to a message.


Send a message via Messages

You can send a message to one or more of your connections by clicking the Compose a message button when viewing Messages (click Social on the top navigation menu and select the Messages options).


This will display the Select message recipient pop-up listing all your connections.  Click Select located to the right of the user name to add the user to your recipient list:


When you add a user to your recipient list, they will appear in the right hand pane of the pop-up.  In this example, three users have been added to the recipient list:


If you want to remove a user from the recipient list, click the x button located to the left of their username:


To search for a user or users, enter a search term in the text box and click the search icon.  In this example, all names that include the term ‘cross’ have been returned:


To display all connections again, delete any text in the text box and click the search icon.

When your recipient list is complete, click the OK button.  This will display the Compose a message pop-up.  Alternatively, click Cancel to exit.

In the pop-up, enter a subject and message:


To add more recipients, click the link at the top of the pop-up:


This will open the Select message recipient pop-up, enabling additional users to be added.  Click the Send button to return to the Compose a message pop-up.

To delete a recipient, click the x button located to the left of their username:


Click the Send button to send the message, or click the Cancel button to exit without sending the message.


When Send is clicked, the pop-up will close and a confirmation pop-up will be displayed:


Click the Close button to close the pop-up.

The message will then appear in each user’s Messages inbox.  For more details, see Respond to a message.



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