A selection method or methods can be assigned to a job seeker if required.  To assign a method, the job seeker needs to be selected in the ATS and the View/Set Selection method option selected:



View the Selection Method

If a selection method or methods are set for the job seeker, the checkboxes for the selected methods will be ticked.

To view the selected job seeker, click on the 1 button.  Click on the job seeker name to view their Candidate Overview.


Click X to close the review pane.

Click Cancel or X to exit.


Set the Selection Method

To select a method, click on the checkbox for the method you wish to select so a tick is displayed:


To de-select a method, click on the checkbox to remove the tick.

Click the Save button to save your changes or click Cancel or X to exit without saving.

When a job seeker has selection methods assigned, the Selection Method icon will be displayed against the job seeker in the candidate list.  Hovering the mouse over the icon will display the selection methods assigned:




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