Find yourself competing against a nearby branch of your company close by?  Process the candidate’s initial application before it becomes available to other recruiters.

Please note – you’re able to apply exclusivity only to candidates first application to your company, and to the recruiter who posted the vacancy for a set period of time e.g 2 weeks, 1 month or 2 month.  During this time frame neither the candidate nor the application are visible to any other hiring manager or area manager within the company, and will not appear in CV Search, Tag Lists or Suggested Candidate List.  A candidate cannot therefore be offered an alternative role within this set time frame, which allows the initial recruiter to work with the candidate who has applied for their role first, before opening the candidate’s opportunity to the wider company.

Here’s how it works –

1) Candidate applies for a vacancy with the company. This is their first application.



2) The recruiter (who posted the vacancy) is able to see the candidate’s application.





3) Recruiters from any other branch or store are unable to locate the candidate in CV Search, Suggested Candidates Lists or Tags Lists, until your exclusivity period ends. Nor do they appear on the dashboard under latest applicants.




