Groups can be created for users to share discussions and documents.  When creating or editing a group, it is possible to control what type of users can join.  It is also possible to limit the actions available to user types when viewing group discussions.

To get started, click Social in the top navigation menu and select Groups:


The Groups screen will display all available groups.  The following information will be displayed for each group:

  • Group logo (if uploaded)
  • Name of group
  • Description of group
  • Date/time created
  • Number of discussions
  • Number of members


Click on a group name to view discussions, create a discussion or email group members.  For more details, see Group Discussions & Emailing Members.

If you are a member of any groups, these will be listed first in the My Groups section.  If any of these groups have threads that you have not read, these will be displayed by a green flag to the right of the Number of discussions number for the group.  To view the group, click on the green flag:


If users have requested to join a group and require activation, these will be displayed by a green number to the right of the Number of members for the group:


Below the My Groups section is an Other Groups section.  This will list any groups you are not a member of:



Create a Group

To create a group click the + button:


You can enter the following group information:

  • Group Name: Type to enter text (required)
  • Group Visibility: Select the appropriate radio button (required)
  • Description: Type to enter text (up to 500 characters) (required)
  • Groups available to the following users: Select the appropriate checkboxes (required)
  • Allow Comments? Select the appropriate radio button
  • Allow Jobseekers to create threads: Select the appropriate checkboxes (required)
  • Allow File uploads Select the appropriate radio button
  • Group Photo: Click the Browse… button to upload an image(up to 2mb)


Click the Create group button to save your changes:


To cancel, click the Cancel button:



Search Groups

Use the search function to search group discussions and documents for a term or phrase.  Simply type the text into the Search all groups textbox and press enter or click the Find icon:


This will list all discussions and documents containing the text.  To filter the results, hover the mouse over the ‘Filter’ icon and click on one of the following options:

  • Posts only
  • Documents only


To show all results again, hover the mouse over the ‘Filter’ icon and click on the Show all option.

To view the entire thread, click on the View Discussion button on the discussion you wish to view:


For more details, see About Threads.

Click the ‘back’ icon at the top[ of the screen to return to the Groups screen:



Join an existing Group

To join a new group, simply hover the mouse over the group you wish to join.  This will reveal a ‘join group’ icon:


Click on the icon and click OK on the pop-up.  This will display an acceptance message:


Click the Close button to close the message.  The group will then be moved to the My Groups section.

Note: If you attempt to join a private group a request will be sent to the admin manager.  You will not be able to interact with this group until the admin manager has accepted the request.


Edit a Group

To edit a group, simply hover the mouse over the group you wish to edit.  This will reveal an ‘edit group’ icon:


Click on the icon to display the Edit Group screen.  You can edit any of the following fields:

  • Group Name: Type to edit the text
  • Group Visibility: Select the appropriate radio button
  • Description: Type to edit the text (up to 500 characters)
  • Groups available to the following users: Select the appropriate checkboxes
  • Allow Comments? Select the appropriate radio button
  • Allow Jobseekers to create threads: Select the appropriate checkboxes
  • Allow File uploads Select the appropriate radio button
  • Group Photo: Click the Browse… button to upload an image(up to 2mb)

Hover the mouse over the green ? icons to display further information:


Click the Update group button to save your changes:


If you want to delete the group, click the Delete group button:


To cancel any changes, click the Cancel button:


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