Tribepad has many candidate testing and checking integrations – they’re set up to use in the same way within the ATS –

The image below which shows where, for example SHL and RTW fit into Tribepad – these integrations fit into the ‘job editor’ (creating a new vacancy) –


On the above example, you can see Tribepad’s integration with SHL, however the integrations with other partners can be found in the same place within Job Editor.



(The SHL check is pulled together using pre-written tests/questions – similar to building a standard questionnaire, where you can factor in a score threshold also)

Please see to see how a standard questionnaire is built.



Right to Work Check is also shown on the image above –

By selecting this check, you’re given several options to choose from, to suit the nature of your vacancy.

Find out more about RTW checks –



After you’ve selected the options you need for these integrations, you can continue advertising your new vacancy


How to view your candidate’s scores from the ATS –

  • Locate your vacancy, and click through your candidate number to access the ATS
  • Click through the icons, to see what your candidates have scored –