Sharing a Job with an Agency

An agency will only be able to upload candidates to jobs that have been shared with the agency. To share a job with an agency, go into the ATS and select the relevant job by clicking on the number of applicants: [IMAGE CONTAINS MISSING PARTS]   click on the ‘Share’ button: A Share popup will then appear. Simply click on the “Agencies” radio button and find the Agency user that you want to share the job with. Click on the right arrow against the agency user’s name in the left pane,  and they will appear on the right-hand side. Then click Read more

Creating An Agency Account

To begin creating an Agency account, first you must login as a Superadmin. Go to ‘Create New User Account’ in the Superadmin dashboard. On the right-hand side, select the user type as ‘Resourcing User’,  then set the sub-user type as ‘Agency’ On the left hand side, enter the name of the company in the ‘Company Name’ field.  If you are creating multiple users for a given agency then be sure to use the same company name for each of them. You must enter the relevant information for the candidate taking particular care when entering the email address as this will be the agency’s Read more

Adding Tags To A Job Post

Adding tags can be found in the standard job editing functionality 0f Tribepad. The hiring manager must find the job they wish to include ‘tags’ from the ‘jobs’ menu and click the ‘edit’ button: **** The hiring manager will see the general job details. The ‘add tags’ option is on the next page, so the hiring manager must click the ‘save and continue’ button found at the bottom of the form: **** The ‘tag cloud’ is found at the bottom of the job edit page. **** Include the relevant tags for the job post. **** And click save. **** The tags will then appear on the job Read more

User-Batch Uploads

The Super User can carry out a batch upload of new users. A CSV file with the first names, surnames, and then their email address.  The batch of users must all be of the same user type as a single user type will be applied. A .csv template can be downloaded to ensure that the batch of new users follow the required format.

Reset User’s Passwords

A user’s password can be reset to the system default by filling in the relevant details and click ‘Reset Password’

Editing a User Account

An existing user’s account can be edited by entering any part of their name or email address in the search bar, and clicking ‘Edit User’: The user’s credential and privileges can then be edited and saved. The ‘Hired For Job’ field allows the user to state that the job seeker is hired:  

Setting User Types

User types include:  Job seeker, Resourcing User and Super user.  A new user can also be given privileges to have moderator powers for a forum, to view protected answers, to access reports and to have their account details emailed to them.

Creating New User Accounts

To create a new user account, simply fill in the necessary forms. Superusers have the option to chose whether the user has special privileges such as a forum moderator. Once completed click ‘Create User’.

Super User Login

A user with Super-user privileges can register hiring managers, resourcing partners etc. onto the system. The Superuser must first log into the control panel with their username and password:


A referral can be sent to someone that isn’t registered on the Tribepad platform. On a job post, any user (both job seeker and hiring manager) can click ‘Refer a friend for this job’ to send an email invitation: The user can keep track of the referrals they have sent by clicking ‘Go to referral section’ from the popup, or from the ‘Jobs’ drop-down menu. From here, you can view the referrals you sent and who you sent them too, as well as your ‘invited candidates’ for certain job posts: