Agency Candidates for Recruiting Manager

A hiring user can easily see which applicants have been uploaded by an agency as the candidates will have an ‘A’  icon shown against them in the list.  Such as the example below: Hovering the mouse over the agency icon will show which agency the candidate was uploaded by. Please note that any emails sent through the ATS to an agency-uploaded candidate will be sent to the agency rather than the candidate. 

Agency: Confirming an Interview

The agency may use the system to confirm an interview for the candidate.  Alternatively, the hiring manager can confirm using the standard confirm functionality. After clicking on ‘Confirmation of interview’ the user will be able to select the stage and the interview slot. Please note that the slots must have already been created by the hiring manager. [MISSING IMAGE] Once the pre-created slot has been selected, the agency must click the ‘just book’ button.  

Agency: Withdrawing a Candidate

An agency can withdraw a candidate’s application by clicking the checkbox to the left of the candidate’s name, and then clicking on the ‘Mark as withdrawn’ menu option:

Agency: Uploading New Candidates to a Job

After clicking on the ‘Create New Candidate’ icon, the user will be asked to enter the name and email address of the chosen candidate to create.  If the user already exists then the agency will not be allowed to continue uploading the candidate and the owner of the job post will receive a warning email – explaining that the agency has attempted to upload an existing candidate. Please note that it is expected that the agency will be contract-bound to provide a valid email address for the candidate and will not knowingly provide an already uploaded candidate. Once the agency Read more

Agency: Uploading Candidates

The agency will login to Tribepad in the same way as job seekers and hiring users, however, they will only have restricted access to the platform. When an agency logs in, they will only see a list of jobs that have been shared with them. [MISSING IMAGE] The agency will need to click on the number of applicants to get to the upload functionality.  Note that the number of applicants represents the number of candidates only uploaded to the job by that agency. The example screen below would be shown to an agency who has not uploaded any candidates to Read more

Sharing a Job with an Agency

An agency will only be able to upload candidates to jobs that have been shared with the agency. To share a job with an agency, go into the ATS and select the relevant job by clicking on the number of applicants: [IMAGE CONTAINS MISSING PARTS]   click on the ‘Share’ button: A Share popup will then appear. Simply click on the “Agencies” radio button and find the Agency user that you want to share the job with. Click on the right arrow against the agency user’s name in the left pane,  and they will appear on the right-hand side. Then click Read more

Creating An Agency Account

To begin creating an Agency account, first you must login as a Superadmin. Go to ‘Create New User Account’ in the Superadmin dashboard. On the right-hand side, select the user type as ‘Resourcing User’,  then set the sub-user type as ‘Agency’ On the left hand side, enter the name of the company in the ‘Company Name’ field.  If you are creating multiple users for a given agency then be sure to use the same company name for each of them. You must enter the relevant information for the candidate taking particular care when entering the email address as this will be the agency’s Read more